„Africa Day 2019 – Kultur, Bildung, Business“: Vom 23. bis 26. Mai 2019 auf dem Wandsbeker Marktplatz Hamburg / Schirmherr ist Senator Dr. Andreas Dressel (“Africa Day 2019 – Culture, Education, Business”: From 23 to 26 May 2019 on the Wandsbeker Marktplatz Hamburg / patron is Senator Dr. Andreas Dressel)
From 23 to 26 May 2019 on the Wandsbeker Marktplatz Hamburg / patron is Senator Dr. Andreas Dressel. “From 23 to 26 May, the Wandsbeker market square is once again firmly in the hands of Africa Day.
Since 2012, the integrative family celebration of Hamburg and Hamburg has developed with or without African roots into a real institution that encourages many people excited and togetherness in our city, “Financial and District Senator Dr. Andreas Dressel, patron of this year’s Africa Day.
It starts with this year again the Africa Day Business and Investment Forum (May 22, 2019, from 12.00 in Bürgersaal Wandsbek), from 23 May 2019 then celebrated on the Wandsbek market place and informed.
“Hamburg is colorful and varied and reflects the event contradict wonderful,” said Sen. Dressel.
African and German citizens / inside celebrate a colorful and thrilling intercultural festival with vibrant music and dance performances, exotic food and exciting topics offerings in the country and information tents in panel discussions, presentations and readings.
More than 20,000 Africans, African-German, citizens of Hamburg came last year at the Wandsbeker marketplace to to look at mostly sunny May weather.
Dressel: “The Africa Day is an annual commemoration of the founding of the Organization of African Unity (now African Union) on 25 May 1963.
On this day signed the Charter of common positions of 30 African countries in Addis Ababa.”
Against this, the background presenting organizer Sylvaina Gerlich and the team of IMIC eV framed by a tent city with open-air stage at the Africa Day 2019 again many prominent guests, including royalty from Africa and known African artists.
The Africa Day is one of the cultural and inclusive offerings of Intercultural Migrants Integration Center eV (IMIC eV).
EV Sylvaina Gerlich, president of IMIC, representative of Africa in the Hamburg Integration Council and deputy. Chairman of the Integration Advisory Board Wandsbek:
“With the Africa Day 2019, we want to contribute to the integration and mutual awareness, thereby changing the often clichéd image of Africa and show the realities of life, the diversity and the unity of Africa.”
The nonprofit organization IMIC advises eV and supports migrants / inside accompanies almost all social sectors and in contact with authorities and institutions.
To integrate contribute eg tutoring and language classes as well as Africa Library with readings and seniors meetings.
With his integration work, particularly in the African community is established IMIC eV in Hamburg, international network and experiencing an ever increasing demand.
Information for Africa Day 2019 (23 to 26 May 2019, respectively 11:00 to 22:00, Wandsbeker Marktplatz) through www.imicenter.com and www.africaday.de .