Report reaching GhanaSky.com analyst center shows that, Ghana’s COVID-19 cases is not yet confirmed by Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE).
Ghana quickly jumped to 2 cases after two travelers were tested positive for Coronavirus COVID-19.
Ghana Ministry of Health disclosed in a statement on Thursday (12th March 2020) about two confirmed cases, that were received at the same time from the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research.
The two individuals returned to Ghana from Norway and Turkey but the named country like Turkey has only recorded one person so far, so Ghana immigration services have to cross check those two people. ???
Watch Video From Ghana Ministry of Health Below:
At the time of writing by GhanaSky.com, Africa has recorded a total of 134 + (2 cases from Ghana) of the deadly Coronavirus COVID-19 after the outbreak with Egypt still leading on the list.
Egypt (67 confirmed), Algeria (24 confirmed), South Africa (17 confirmed), Tunisia (7 confirmed), Morocco (6 confirmed), Senegal (4 confirmed), Cameroon (2 confirmed), Burkina Faso (2 confirmed), Nigeria (2 confirmed), Togo (1 confirmed), Congo – Kinshasa (1 confirmed), Cote d’Ivoire (1 confirmed) and Ghana (2 cases) but unconfirmed by Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE).

Ghana Government have to be Alerted because of the rate at which the disease is spreading in real time.
At the time of writing; Friday, March 13, 2020 there was a total of 128,343 confirmed cases of Covid-19, of which 68,324 have recovered, while 4,720 have died.
This interactive map from Johns Hopkins University shows the effects of coronavirus in real time, Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE).
According to GhanaSky.com analyst, you can follow the progress of the coronavirus as it moves around the world, in real time.
Dashboard video or image shown the location and number of confirmed cases as they are reported about Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU).
Watch Coronavirus Interactive Map Video Below:
Total Confirmed: 128,343
Confirmed Cases by Country/Region
80,932 China
12,462 Italy
10,075 Iran
7,869 Korea, South
2,284 France
2,277 Spain
2,078 Germany
1,663 US
702 Norway
696 Cruise Ship
652 Switzerland
639 Japan
617 Denmark
599 Sweden
503 Netherlands
459 United Kingdom
314 Belgium
302 Austria
262 Qatar
195 Bahrain
178 Singapore
149 Malaysia
131 Israel
128 Australia
117 Canada
103 Iceland
99 Greece
94 Czechia
89 Slovenia
85 United Arab Emirates
80 Kuwait
73 India
71 Iraq
70 Thailand
69 San Marino
67 Egypt
61 Lebanon
59 Finland
59 Portugal
52 Brazil
52 Philippines
49 Romania
49 Taiwan*
49 Poland
45 Saudi Arabia
43 Ireland
39 Vietnam
34 Indonesia
28 Russia
24 Algeria
24 Georgia
23 Albania
23 Chile
22 Costa Rica
20 Pakistan
19 Argentina
19 Luxembourg
19 Croatia
19 Serbia
18 Oman
17 South Africa
17 Ecuador
16 Slovakia
16 Estonia
15 Peru
13 Hungary
12 Belarus
12 Mexico
11 Bosnia and Herzegovina
11 Azerbaijan
11 Panama
11 Brunei
10 Latvia
9 Colombia
8 Maldives
7 North Macedonia
7 Afghanistan
7 Bulgaria
7 Tunisia
6 Morocco
6 Cyprus
6 Malta
5 French Guiana
5 New Zealand
5 Dominican Republic
5 Paraguay
4 Armenia
4 Senegal
3 Lithuania
3 Cambodia
3 Bangladesh
3 Cuba
3 Moldova
3 Martinique
2 Bolivia
2 Cameroon
2 Burkina Faso
2 Jamaica
2 Monaco
2 Nigeria
2 Honduras
2 Sri Lanka
1 Turkey
1 Mongolia
1 Togo
1 Ukraine
1 Liechtenstein
1 Andorra
1 Reunion
1 Bhutan
1 Nepal
1 Congo (Kinshasa)
1 Holy See
1 Cote d’Ivoire
1 Jordan
1 Guyana
Source: GhanaSky.com – The sky is NOT our limit