Report reaching GhanaChurh.com shows that, Prophet Isaac Owusu Bempah made a scandalous statement about Evangelist Akwasi Awuah, one of the controversial evangelist in Ghana, the founder, and leader of Pillar of Zion church.
Apostle Dr Isaac Owusu Bempah, the general overseer of the Glorious Word Power Ministries International South Odorkor- Busia Road, Opposite Crystal TV Accra – Ghana said, one of Akwasi Awuah’s hand is longer than the other because, he went to visit his girlfriend at Obuasi and had a car accident on his return.
Prophet Owusu Bempah also said, talking about a pastor of domestic violence, Evangelist Akwasi Awuah is on the top list.
This was a reply to one of the messages Akwasi Awuah preached about, condemning pastors who have divorced their wives . He said those pastor are not real Men of God.
Watch Full Video Below:
Meanwhile, Evangelist Akwasi Awuah have claired the air in one of his videos that, his hand got damaged through car accident when he was going to preach the gospel.
As to who is saying the truth – Awuah or Bempah?, time will tell.
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bcolor=”#dd9933″ arrow=”yes” align=”centre”] Source: GhanaChurch.com – Churches in Ghana News Portal