I have had reasons constantly to blame our leaders and elders for the woes of Ghana, our motherland.
I look at Ghana, the entire country from south to north; and east to west, the diseases, filth in our gutters and on the streets especially in Accra, plagues, wars, hunger and starvation.
Infact, I hate it! I hate it to my bones. I hate that statement that goes; “Its in the pipeline”.
Which pipe and what line?
We are too backward. Poor leadership, wicked elders, greedy clergy and a national witchcraft called HYPOCRISY is what has put us to this mess.
Ignorance will make one ask if truly Ghana is in a mess..
We have been so quiet for too long. We have been used too much. We have been tamed for too long. We have been slaves in our own country without chains on our wrists and ankles.
We have been lied to , we have been used as election machines and everyone is quiet about it. The most important things we talk about as a people is Champions league, Hearts or Kotoko, sex videos, fufu at one joint or the other.
For more than two decades, the youth and next generation have been promised HEAVEN ON EARTH by Politicians; from Assembly members to Presidents and its been ALL LIES. BEAUTIFUL LIES!
Sadly, we are motivated as people to believe Ghana is good and doing well.
Which is a lie.
We are spoken to, to trust that, all those sugar coated wrapped policies with sweet melodies are for the people and the next generation’s interest. Which has never been. Its always for the politician and family interest.
Despite our huge human and material resources, see where we are; the socio-economic difficulties we are grappling with.
We are too greedy as leaders, elders and people to even notice that, the very youth and people who elected you and us are unemployed and starving.
We are extremely selfish to the extent that, all we think about is how to win the next election. The needs of the people are relegated and substituted with disappointment and absolute wickedness.
The anger of the people especially the youth may blow off very soon. Indeed, we are sitting on a time bomb.
There is a new breed of Ghanaians who are determined; determined to find the way.
The new Ghana realizes She cannot keep selling the destiny of this generation; the destiny of our children, our children’s children for chamber pots and Gh¢100.00, political appointment, for a job or possibly a promotion.
You sell the destiny of the entire generation of over millions of people for political interest, food and meat you want to place in your pot bellies.
Yet, you do not see the harm you are doing.
Enough is Enough.
I strongly believe now is the time, as a people to say; “enough is enough”.
It is time to change the destiny of our Country, Ghana.
A word to the wise is enough!
[quote font=”verdana” font_size=”14″ font_style=”italic” color=”#474747″ bgcolor=”#F5F5F5″
bcolor=”#dd9933″ arrow=”yes” align=”centre”] Source: GhanaSky.com – The sky is our limit [/quote]